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MBA Curriculum

Outline of courses  required to complete NU Ontario’s MBA Program.

Business Foundation Courses

The MBA program is structured as full-time study, with 33 graduate credit hours  supported by 18 credit hours of foundation courses (credit transfer is an option for these courses).  A total of 51 credit hours are required for graduation from the program and conferral of the degree.  The program can be completed over four full-time semesters of study, in as little as 16 months with classes offered in the evenings and on Saturdays.

Block 1:

Foundational Coursework (generally completed by a non-business students)

This course covers fundamental concepts and procedures of financial and management accounting for business decisions. Financial accounting provides information primarily for external decision makers such as investors, creditors, suppliers, and government agencies. Management accounting serves the needs of managers to fulfil organizational objectives. Case studies will illustrate accounting and ethical issues. Topics include generally accepted accounting principles, international accounting standards, financial accounting procedures, financial reporting, inventory and depreciation methods, and cost analysis. Three (3) Credit Hours.

The course focuses on: (1) graphical and arithmetical description of data; (2) the use of computer software in solving statistical problems; (3) the theory of probability; (4) probability distributions and sampling distributions; and (5) estimation and hypothesis testing. Three (3) Credit Hours.

This course covers the basic tools of economic analysis. The microeconomic component of the course examines decision making by the individual economic unit, addressing such topics as demand and supply, price and output determination, cost behaviour, profit maximization, and competition. The macroeconomic component examines models to explain: national output, inflation, and unemployment; and how fiscal and monetary policies stabilize the economy. Three (3) Credit Hours.

An examination of the process of communication within the business enterprise and an analysis of its basic components. The presentation will include report writing, meeting leadership skills, and effective speaking and listening skills. All this is done within the appropriate technological framework, including PowerPoint and associated software. Three (3) Credit Hours.

An introduction to the theory and practice of management. Instruction in the managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading and controlling draws from many disciplines in the social and behavioural sciences. This course examines management from various theoretical perspectives stressing application to the real world and using case studies. Topics studied include theories of management, decision making, leadership, communication, motivation, group dynamics, organizational design and strategic planning. Three (3) Credit Hours.

Core Courses
Block 2:

This is an advanced core course in strategic accounting, which focuses on the interpretation and analysis of accounting information for business decisions. This course will provide an introduction to the field of business that assists to interpret both financial and non-financial information to effectively manage an organization. Case studies and special projects will be used to illustrate strategic decision processes. Topics include financial statement analysis, financial modelling, cash flow, budgeting, total quality management, activity-based management, target costing, job order costing, process costing, variable costing and transfer pricing. Three (3) Credit Hours.

This course stresses practical applications of statistics in business. Topics covered include analysis of variance, nonparametric statistics, chi-square, simple and multiple regression, time series analysis, statistical forecasting, model building, and statistical process control. Each student is required to complete a project using statistical methods in solving a realistic business problem. Three (3) Credit Hours.

This course provides knowledge of how information technology impacts effective management activities, especially in the area of strategic decision making. Topics include organizational information system design, management control of information technology, strategic and competitive aspects of information technology, social issues, and the globalization of information technology.

This course provides today’s managers with the background and skills necessary to lead and motivate an increasingly diverse, team-based work force. Topics include the structuring of effective teams, leading and participating in teams, communicating with and motivating others, and recognizing and valuing individual differences. Using current theories from the social and behavioural sciences, students are provided with negotiation and conflict resolution techniques that will enable effective conflict management with employees and other organizational stakeholders. Three (3) Credit Hours.

This advanced marketing course aims to avail the students with marketing tools and concepts to engage in strategic marketing planning. Students learn about the marketing concept, value creation and the development, implementation and control of the strategic plan. Three (3) Credit Hours.

Concentration Block

One course in Operations Management or Supply Chain Management.

Three courses in the area of specialization, chosen under guidance from the program advisor.

Capstone Course

This capstone course synthesizes the knowledge gained in the functional areas of the firm to enable the student to formulate business decisions and policies. The course uses techniques of research developed throughout the program to analyze comprehensive business problems. A major component of this course is a project involving a practical exercise in  strategic planning. A total of 33 semester hours must be completed registering for this course.   Three (3) Credit Hours.

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